One Planet Left – Saving the World with Games! – I will be on a panel discussion about this mission together with Clara Mayer (Press Officer, Fridays for Future Berlin), Prof. Dr. Claudia Frick (Meteorologist & Information Scientist, TH Cologne) and Çiğdem Uzunoğlu (Managing Director, Digital Games Culture Foundation) – May 5 2022, Berlin

The existence-threatening effects of climate change have once again become clearly visible in 2022. Increasingly frequent extreme weather events and the resulting material and societal consequences are placing greater importance on the generation and communication of knowledge on the topics of environmental protection and sustainability. Digital games, as a popular cultural form, can play a mediating role here and, with their involving narratives and complex rule systems, make the often abstract consequences and interrelationships of the changing climate playfully tangible to a large audience.
The Digital Game Culture Foundation therefore invites you to the digitally oriented specialist conference „One Planet Left – Strengthening Environmental Awareness with Games“ on May 5, 2022 from 10:00 to 16:30 as part of the Berlin Energy Days. The event will focus on the question of what opportunities digital games offer for communicating climate and environmental protection issues. With keynotes, panel discussions and professionally commented games, the event is aimed at both expert audiences from science and civil society as well as members of the games industry and all other interested parties. The partner event is the #SpielKlima congress at the Berlin Energy Days. The one-day conference is supported by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.
No prior registration is necessary for digital participation in the conference via livestream, but you can make a note of the event via the online portal of the Berlin Energy Days.