
3D printed fluid simulations  |  PLA | 21 x 21 x 40cm
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White Washing Parade

Figuren und Fundstücke, bemalt  |  Figures and finds, painted
2,2 × 1,3 × 0,5 m  |  2016   | Read more…


Group of Objects  |  Objektgruppe 
3 × 4 × 2 m  |  2016  | Read more…

Deutschland im Herbst

‘Germany in Autumn’  –  Found objects, carton, wood  |  Fundstücke, Karton, Holz
1,6 × 1,7 × 1,9 m  |  2016  | Read more…

2nd World

Map, carton, hot glue, acrylic |  ‚2. Welt‘, Landkarte, Karton, Heißkleber, Acryl
0,8 × 0,8 × 1,1 m  |  2016  | Read more…


Interactive sculpture  |  Disco ball motors, motion detectors, acrylic, wood, carton
0,7 × 0,9 × 1,3 m  |  2016

This Installation detects movements and its extremities begin to deform in opposing rotations. The spectator becomes part of the process. | Read more…

Objects for Subjects

Carton, acrylic lacquer, hot glue  |  ‘Objekte für Subjekte’, Karton, Acryllack, Heißkleber
1,4 × 3,2 × 0,2 m  |  2016

Homeland, values and blazons

‘Play’, ‘Hunt’, ‘Work’, ‘Dinos eat Jesus’ and ‘Rooster’ | Fireworks, game pieces,
christmas lights, horns, carton
| 0,7 × 0,7 × 0,4 m each | 2011 – 2016 | Read more…


cardboard, wood, hotglue, acrylic clear lacquer  |  2.8 x 1.5 x 1.2 m  |  2014 | Read more…

Ego Tunnel

Autonomous computer installation | PC hardware, cardboard | 1.2 × 1 × 0.8 m

The ego tunnel is an autonomous computer installation. An old PC system was dismantled and all components rebuilt into a new constellation. This newly configured system is only able to observe itself (through a webcam) and reproduce the image of itself in endless repetition. In this sense it is redundant and self-contained as though the system is similarly running a film of itself. This might vaguely be reminiscent of Thomas Metzinger, a philosopher involved in neuroscience who, in his book ‘The Ego Tunnel’ describes the human ‘Self’ as a self-illusion vigorously practised by human beings.

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Printed cardboard, hardware, hot glue, paint  |  0.4 × 0.5 × 0.5 m  |  2012
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Cardboard, hot glue, paint, megaphone
1.5 × 1.2 × 0.8 m  |  2013 | Read more…

Neo Kuben

‘Neo Cubes’  |  Land art, series of objects  |  1 – 2 m³  |  2013

A short film for a documentary presentation of a series of sculptures. As the cubes pictured suggest, the artist was keen to transplant these everyday basic square shapes into a completely atypical environment full of organic, flowing shapes. As an embodiment of structure and uniformity, the cubes pose a stark contrast to their environment. The camera carries out captivating, concentrated circular movements around the cubes.

Music: Bach’s Open Goldberg Variations, by Kimiko Ishizaka
Schnitt: Deborah Uhde

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Mini computer, microphone, headphones, cardboard  |  0.7 × 0.6 × 0.5 m  |  2013 | Read more…


2006 | dead palmtree, lacquer | and 12 ohter breeds


2004 | 3 Pictures 

Eine Skulpturengruppe von acht geschnitzten Holzschwertern, die ich mit in den Griff geritzten Buchstaben. Die ich im Grundklassenjahr an der HBK angefertigt und über meinem Arbeitsplatz gehangen haben.

